Here you can find the frequently asked questions. If you are still stuck, don’t hesitate to contact our support.

A platform that changes occupational safety behavior in the long term.

As an employee, you can download Equasio from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store and register directly on the app.

Equasio supports 13 languages (German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, English, Czech, Polish, Albanian, Turkish, Croatian, Slovenian, Serbian) and allows you to learn and operate in your language.

Fill out the contact form below. A friendly representative will get back to you with options.

We have deliberately chosen a simple pricing model. Employees can use the Equasio app for free. For companies, the platform costs per user and month.

The data belongs to the employee/lender and he can determine with whom he wants to share his data.

We do everything we can to protect your privacy and use various security mechanisms such as daily backups, 2-factor authentication and so on. Please help us by choosing a secure password.

All information, data, images, etc. are secured on Swiss servers and databases in accordance with data protection laws (DSG and DSGVO).

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